Photo: QUT Ecoacoustics Staff

Who Are We?

Welcome! Australian Acoustic Observatory is a repository of environmental audio recordings. This website facilitates the management, access, visualization, and analysis of environmental acoustic data. It uses the Acoustic Workbench software which is is open source and available from GitHub.

The website is run by QUT Ecoacoustics to support bioacoustics and ecoacoustics research.

What We Do

Our Goal

We host, manage, explore, and visualize ecoacoustic data. Providing the results and tools we develope free of charge to anyone who is interested


We locate various environments which may have interesting or important faunal vocalisations and other human-audible environmental sounds

Acoustics Sensors

We, and our partners, place acoustic sensors in a wide range of environments allowing us to study the local fauna

Annotated Spectrogram

Practical identification of animal sounds by people and automated detectors. Ecologists use these to answer environmental questions.


Finally, we make the results of our research, and the tools we have developed, available to the public

View Some Sites

You can browse some public sites and audio recordings without logging in. To participate in the analysis work you will need to log in with an existing account or register for a new account. Don't worry its free and easy!

Aroona Station image

Aroona Station

No description given

No audio yet
Minjerribah image


Minjerribah is a large sand island of approximately 38 km long and 11 km wide off the coast of Brisbane, Queensland. The Quandamooka people of Minjerribah have a strong and persisting connection to the island...

Fletcherview Research Station image

Fletcherview Research Station

Fletcherview Research Station is a fully functioning cattle station which also supports a wide variety of flora and fauna. The station covers 1960 hectares across black and red basalt soils, and alluvial river flats, and...


This work has been supported through several grants. The most recent of which is the ARDC Platforms project. Open Ecoacoustics currently sponsors development of the workbench thanks to the ARDC Platforms project. See for more details.